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Privacy Policy

At Friends of GOD ministries, we are committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information. We do not sell or rent your personal information to others. Your privacy is very important to us and we want you to be assured that our privacy practices are held to the highest standard—we take every precaution to protect your information.

When users submit sensitive information via our websites, your information is protected both online and offline. We believe the trust you have placed in us is important to the success and growth of our ministries. Please review the privacy policy to understand how your personal information will be treated as you use our websites. We also understand the concerns you might have with using a credit card for online transactions. It is therefore in our best interest to protect your credit card information in order to provide you with the best service possible.


This Privacy Policy discloses the privacy practices for information collected by Friends of GOD ministries: By using this site, you agree:

·         You have reviewed and understand our Privacy Policy.

·         You accept and are subject to this Privacy Policy.

·         Friends of GOD ministries are permitted to use your personal information as stated below.



We appreciate your interest and support of Friends of GOD ministries. We make an effort at all times to provide accurate information for your review while providing industry standard safeguards for any and all personal information you submit.

It is our policy to ethically and accurately share the needs and potential ministry impact so you can prayerfully consider sharing financially as the Lord leads and enables you. We believe the desire for all giving comes from God as He moves in the hearts and minds of people who are prepared by the Holy Spirit. Our part as ministries is to inform and provide giving opportunities without imposing undue obligation or pressure.

We assure you that your identity is kept confidential and we will not sell or rent your name to any other organization or corporation. We pledge to be responsible in our management, truthful in our advertising and cost-effective in our finances.



When you choose to take services or give to Friends of GOD ministries, we ask for your name, contact number, and e-mail. We will use this information in order to correspond with you, provide receipts, update on your appointments and bookings and other news of interest. When you sign up to receive broadcast messages, updates on latest sermon, song release, other episodes and releases, we need to know your e-mail address. This allows us to personalize our communications with you. When you make an online donation, we collect all necessary personal information through securely encrypted Web forms. This information includes your name, contact information, including email and, credit card type, number. Your contact information is used to contact you to resolve customer service issues. You can correct or update your personal information stored on our sites by completing the online contact form on the Contact page found under the Home tab on our website.



When you subscribe to e-mails we collect any necessary contact information through securely encrypted Web forms. Upon registering you can request to receive e-mail communication from us. Our e-mail messages will contain instructions on how to unsubscribe or you may remove yourself from these mailing lists at any time by e-mailing



Friends of GOD ministries is the sole owner of the information collected on its sites. We will never sell or rent this information in any way, except as is disclosed in the Privacy Policy. When you make a donation, you need to provide your name, e-mail address, credit card, and billing information. This information allows us to process and fulfill your donation or products requested and to notify you of your donation or fulfillment status. From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you or provide you with information we think would be of particular interest. At a minimum, we will always give you the opportunity to decline such direct marketing or market research contact. Friends of GOD ministries will also follow local requirements, such as allowing you to opt in before receiving unsolicited contact, where applicable. Data collected online may also be combined with information you provide when you register online.



When you register for an account on our sites, you will receive a confirmation email for your records. By using our sites, you consent to the collection and use of this information by Friends of GOD ministries. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it.



To provide specific services, we may partner with third-party vendors, such as credit card processing companies and consultant organizations or another nonprofit organization and ministries that may be of interest to you. We will share only the information necessary for these vendors to provide their services. Friends of GOD ministries will make reasonable effort to ensure any information shared with third-party vendors is not retained, shared or used or any secondary purposes.



We reserve the right to disclose your personal information to appropriate third parties if we are required to do so by law, or to comply with legal processes such as search warrants or subpoenas. We also reserve the right to disclose your personal information if we believe the information must be shared to:

·         Address technical problems or perform network maintenance

·         Investigate reports of users sending material using a false e-mail address, or of users sending harassing, threatening or abusive messages

·         Protect against fraud, misuse or unauthorized use of our site or ministry

·         Address emergencies, such as the risk of someone’s physical safety



Friends of GOD ministries securely manages all customer data in accordance with consumer data protection laws enacted worldwide, including data handling, storage and security. We take every precaution to protect your personal information, both online and offline. Our sites have been designed with security as a priority and we have physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect the information we collect by this site. We use encryption for all sensitive account portions of our sites including online donations and contact forms. The information you enter into any of these areas is protected with the strongest encryption supported by your browser. We cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will be unable to bypass these safeguards and access the information you provide by our sites. If you have any questions about the security of our sites, please submit your email to



A cookie is a piece of text that can be entered into the memory of your computer browser. They are in no way linked to any personally identifiable information. Cookies are used so you don’t have to re-enter information each time you visit a site. If you disable cookies, then your information will not be saved and you will have to re-enter it each time you visit the website. Friends of GOD ministries use cookies to track your interests and enhance your experience while visiting our websites. Some of our technology partners, such as traffic analysis sites, also use cookies on our sites, however, we maintain complete control over these cookies. If you reject our website’s cookies, you can still use our sites. We do not store your credit card information, so it will need to be entered upon each donation or purchase. Our sites do not discriminate from the online contact information we collect with regard to age. Therefore, it is possible for children, without prior parental consent or parental notification, to submit contact information.





Our sites may contain links to external websites and Friends of GOD ministries are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each website that collects personally identifiable information.



Friends of GOD ministries reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. When this policy is revised, we will post the updated version on our websites and send a notification to all registered users. Your continued use of our site indicates your acceptance of these changes. Please remember that protection of your privacy begins with you. You are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of any password you use to register and you should always exercise caution whenever disclosing information online.



If you have any doubts regarding this privacy policy and other contents on this site, please contact us at,


Friends of GOD Ministries

RXP3+JQQ, Christian Colony, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Pincode: 226001


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